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Yard and Lawn Pest Control Treatments in Pickerington

Yard and Lawn Pest Control Treatments in Pickerington

As the warmer months arrive, so too do a variety of pests and insects that can wreak havoc on your yard and lawn. From grubs to ticks to mosquitoes, these pests not only ruin the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space and pose potential health risks to you and your family. Fortunately, numerous pest control treatments are available to help keep your property free from unwanted visitors. If you live in Pickerington or surrounding areas, it’s essential to understand the types of pests commonly found in this region and what steps you can take to protect your property from infestations.


Grubs are likely Pickerington’s most destructive and prevalent yard pests. Grubs are the larvae of beetles, such as Japanese beetles and June bugs. They feed on the grass roots, causing patches of dead or dying turf. If the grub infestation is severe, the whole lawn can be easily rolled up. To combat grubs, residents can use insecticides specifically formulated for grub control. These insecticides are applied to the lawn and create a protective barrier, killing the grubs as they come in contact with it. Also, using grub preventative as early protection is often necessary for Pickerington lawns.


Mosquitoes plague Pickerington during the warm months. To reduce mosquito populations, residents can use mosquito repellents and eliminate standing water around the property where mosquitoes breed.


Ticks are not only annoying but also harmful to humans and pets. They thrive in tall grass, shrubs, and weeds, making your lawn a perfect breeding ground for them to multiply. If left unchecked, ticks can wreak havoc on your lawn by damaging the grass and creating unsightly patches on your property as they feast on nutrients from the soil that would otherwise benefit your plants.


Fleas are one of the most annoying pests that can ruin your lawn. These tiny insects may seem harmless, but they can cause a lot of damage to your lawn if left unchecked. One of the biggest problems with fleas is that they reproduce very quickly. Female fleas lay hundreds of eggs at a time, hatching into larvae and eventually becoming adult fleas. And since flea larvae thrive in warm, humid environments like those found in Ohio summers, they can easily spread throughout your yard.

Surface-feeding Insects

Well-maintained lawns can be disrupted by the destructive activities of surface-feeding insects, notably chinch bugs and sod worms. These voracious pests don’t burrow in the soil but feed on grass stems and blades. With their small size and dark coloration, Chinch bugs cause yellowish patches to appear. Sod worms, on the other hand, emerge as moth larvae and hungrily devour grass, leaving behind unsightly brown patches. With their combined efforts, these relentless insects leave lawns in disarray.

7 Tips for Treating Your Lawn for Pests

  1. Regularly mow your lawn at the appropriate height to discourage pests.
  2. Practice proper irrigation techniques to prevent overwatering, which can attract pests.
  3. Conduct regular soil testing to ensure proper nutrient balance and adjust fertilization accordingly.
  4. Implement proper weed control measures to eliminate weed hosts that can harbor pests.
  5. Encourage beneficial birds that naturally prey on pests by planting diverse vegetation and providing birdhouses.
  6. Regularly inspect your lawn to identify pest presence and monitor the effectiveness of treatments.
  7. Consult a professional pest control service for comprehensive pest management strategies and guidance tailored to your lawn’s needs.

Maintaining a healthy and beautiful lawn requires dedication and effort. However, with the help of Weed Busters’ yard and lawn pest control treatments in Pickerington, you can have peace of mind knowing that your outdoor space is protected from harmful pests. Our proven methods and experienced technicians will ensure your lawn remains green and lush throughout the year. Don’t let pests ruin your outdoor experience; contact Weed Busters today for Pickerington’s best yard and lawn pest control treatments!